April 3, 2023

Allen Fairview Chamber

Allen Fairview Chamber

Coffee and Connections Every Tuesday Morning Join us as we network with the finest (and even a few Dinosaurs...really!) Bring plenty of business cards and plan to network before and after. Doors open at 7:00 AM, we begin at 7:30 and you are welcome to...

Coffee and Connections Every Tuesday Morning

Join us as we network with the finest (and even a few Dinosaurs...really!) Bring plenty of business cards and plan to network before and after. Doors open at 7:00 AM, we begin at 7:30 and you are welcome to stand and give your 30 second commercial as long as you arrive by 7:45.

Ribbon Cuttings

APR 19
Wednesday, 8:30am
Eggs & Issues: Meet the Candidates!
This meeting features updates from national, state, and local elected officials, as well as local and state "Meet the Candidates events.